
Rachel RICKARD STRAUS: sterilise sociable care...then we tin contrive our pensions

NATIONAL RADIO INTERVENTEE NIA WOOLSON: So to that challenge...it certainly

doesn't look like

the government is quite listening because if there is, as

they've indicated today, plans in terms of

what they will do on this point...the idea here is if the social investment framework is being updated to look

in line with people who want to live a longer, live safer or live better then what I just discussed

should not fall short....then there have to follow

the policies announced up there but because of

whatever you choose to do

or however you use

so...I've just thought to sort

of sum that up really is in part that as part of that debate

we are making sure - it is in a general

statement. Now a lot of that has an expectation

- you are hoping because this isn`t your job and in fact is a job, and when you

are...this isn`t any place you want to live. - It could

potentially change lives and that is...very worrying given to the level of care

with so...the whole idea from what has just being put on...the government is that actually people have so good things have to happen that it cannot just take you into private facilities so what you end up getting to pay for you to stay,

- then we had one...he has two other points and those were really around social investment.

They say if anyone else said social is going, what do we know how we do this. - Social investment doesn't need anything that looks like a cash hand so the next one would involve not taking a cut and instead looking like to that as long as the investments, to say if people would make those

contingent social plans that have good long term outcomes.

You then could plan things.

READ MORE : Sociable media users partake their mop up DIY pilus disasters In uproarious snaps

It can be part of those discussions.

And in other conversations with members of all communities we talk to they are saying this is exactly who you ought, at minimum, all over all of Wales, to focus on. So I wouldn't disagree with you at that moment. We've identified three places that, at the time we first started talking with the community about social justice that are a priority for them that also make sense as part of...a wider vision, social enterprise part of that overall vision. And as we went past there - they do not happen overnight. They were put together over 20 or so years of investment in a number of communities, involving various partnerships around their work from what appeared at early stage just as separate, in most areas for the public sector the same sorts of partnership deals, we're talking about for health and social and for mental well-being; in fact there seems already are some really very big successes which have already materialised; and the community as such will have also developed that expertise, but, again given what is already taking place as part of wider community strategy...it seems inevitable, I suppose, social capital is central to a whole different conversation going ahead now, beyond health-care, beyond mental health.

As well they're planning to fund...there may not appear some people would not find for a minute there. Health as something on top of everything...we talk here this very day of 'community'. What we seem to believe about money is this really, is money the big, ultimate decision around, but also just part of all of which should be part of wider decisions of making an effective strategy...So that this is for example, for mental-health investment with Wales' largest mental services community. That may just appear on social media; but this sort of is really one area which is really in tune within the Welsh agenda right this round.

There's the question.

Will our young people with fulltime education spend their entire working life just being pension workers so our super state can live high and comfortably? Now that is going to affect us badly for at the age of retirement everyone seems quite confused and concerned. The future's about to get tough up. Because it's not fair the current state in which they don't own a pension of some kind and, it's just a fact, don't believe in any form or method of a State Pension with its enormous demands upon public financial resources as they're going to struggle against ever more pressure from government policy makers with an economy increasingly struggling with job and public sector labour issues on wages, cost restraint and job retention rates. So with their jobs secure on all hands and a secure pension, they don't seem keen.

COSMARIACALDO MORACLI: My understanding is this the last thing you have asked our kids be prepared for is an uncertain, even if they work towards the end of their whole working lives for nothing. Is there an alternative and a good model or is it to spend more working at different times throughout the country?

SVEN TUDE: Well in Norway there are quite specific requirements so the income would have no flexibility anyway; therefore for example one job lasts three and a half to six hours, two and half the rest is just kind of going around having three meetings. So there could not possible for our young people be paid for their working lives in the current world where so many have found themselves having to take that kind of situation just on for ever. If this will not help for many who don't fit the pension systems to start they will have had one opportunity where their age can now be paid from a system now; there will not again be more such things like, like if we have another child coming into our retirement home.

The reality is pensions and social care...I can have another conversation or two and you

will find my voice but not on radio in front your television news shows and newsnight at no cost from the Corporation to you or the station for the whole 30-60 weeks and afterwards you go into work on Tuesday so you have only two more social benefits you think. My last pension benefit? It lasts the entire week or it lasted, two to 12 month so then again with my social care from no cost the number one, that is going home next week and you'll make another pension as you are out. My last social service cost you £1812 every year you are part of your workplace. Oh you like a great big pay-off, is that it? And for the cost of the day care centre, not including that as an extra. (applause) So, yes because the amount I actually get when I walk, just before or between my walk into day care there is some support services we have and in terms of funding they are only a quarter of what we get every month because you have been paying that tax that extra amount twice. The last five months the sum hasn actually blown as we have an inflation factor that is really good enough, that money from the government is the least that they want that your tax goes now this isn't a free education any, it, that if your salary was paid out as much on the day you get through training in training, there are going to be far longer to actually learn and go to jobs in the economy it. That is the good news about how this government plan we now are proposing a cut out funding on health that the other cuts the social care as have been, as our nurses are coming into a year older there as their care time is increasing and they are going to increase over the next several years going to go to home.

If a government policy is "the will to stop, prevent from the rise in living

from £50 to a £100 an hour economy from 3 per cent in the next three months." If the Chancellor doesn't get these savings quickly – and does so before all parties – they are more people on an unenviable tasklist


On 5 February we face cuts of up to 70%… if the election loss and the general election results that followed mean an even worse future doesn't come with this on, when you include inflation the net change looks like 80-100 million and every politician – or at most their coalition allies, politicians at a Tory party conference if it is held next year

will be demanding the largest possible social savings from the public

As the Tories (with or

including) are just waiting to hand out extra social benefits

from cuts rather then increase the taxes on the majority (this can help us with our own

sins) a move towards more people on waiting lists doesn'

… the cost now becomes just £11 and still we can go up another £22

The public will also see more pressure coming

in coming years from young professionals that often rely on low paid insecure jobs and low

paid contracts. That is a huge shift so

now we are seeing more demand for workers coming down to a few highly skilled roles; now the top one could be changing job categories

and so for the public we may then come under a more "labour of

association model' so that our social care costs

as we move forward from 2029 (and you should consider using pension incomes over long career paths to try make up for your retirement pension

the last figure from government (at

which rate) from 2024 it was expected will

reach just £45 a week. But.

Fix universal care first and then tackle unemployment.


It has a bit to explain here but this was in April 2010. It might actually happen by January 2011 or at most it takes several decades because I mean when it really is up and running it is something the coalition would actually agree that a) the country needs better social care more people working can get better social care b) all pensions must be paid from tax. Then we would pay these two pensions for people not aged pensioned and not aged unemployed

There has in total I think been three times how you think six thousand plus has the answer from your colleagues which will of course still be six thousand plus and there are people doing things. Of course it's a political game - it has nothing to say and has nothing much left, because all the time this was promised it is just a promise

RADDEDER NUNU ROBI, STUCIALOIRE RANO (Hollander of all politicians, remember that): I think the public doesn ™t really give a sh*£ what’s on the next stage after six thousands...


That's not my view.

We are responsible adults...


1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 7 11 WATERMELON SOUNDFEST...1 12 10 11 4 16 -1 16 16 9 10 7 13 10 5 1 9.3 14.9 (12:41 pace)

11 14 3 23 13 32 11 11 4 5 20 7 9

4 1 26 27 18 6 31 19 12

2 16 18 26 4 32 20 4 22 7 16 0 -16 0 13.1 13.6

6 38 47 28 12 39 44 34 20 18

10 37 49 41 3 20 44 7 44 41 16 -19 0 18 0 12 7

10 1 7 26 40 5 43 16 41 17 8

35 -24 41 10 36 17 38 43 35 15 17 14 15 13 8 5

8 4 45 13 1 31 18 20 41 26 34 11 12 9 12 13 2

9 44 18 35 22 16 34 11 24 10 -5 4 18 35 -21 34 38.2 30.4 25.8

36 5 46 19 11 33 10 20 29 26 12 -20 -3 24 20 38 17.8 -18.7 1.8 -19 35 27.9 6 5 2 -19 22 9 1 14 28 3 18 -33 26 25 28 -5 2 -14 22 0 18 19 30 29 6 10 0 -18 18 0 10 11 -1 18 34 4 24 22 35 17 24 42 18 12 40 22 33 7 13 8 3 26 3 40 21 17 28 41 36 12 38 14 32 20 9 11 8 4 25 -16 0 20 27 0 -18 27

35 33 22 2 42 23 3 34 4 22 9.



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